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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

VIRTUAL TOUR - J. Paul Getty Museum - Artists Did What?

Image for VIRTUAL TOUR - J. Paul Getty Museum - Artists Did What?

Artists Did What?

Virtual Travel Day to the J. Paul Getty Museum
Explore LA's J. Paul Getty Museum virtually by joining us for this
exciting presentation led by a Getty docent. The Getty Museum has a collection that spans over 1000 years. On this virtual tour, you will get a brief introduction to the Getty’s architecture and gardens and then, moving into the galleries, you will see some of the highlights of our Museum from various collections including Manuscripts, Decorative Arts, Paintings, Sculpture, Drawings
and Photography.
You probably did not learn this stuff in your Art History class! Beyond the dates of birth and death and what they painted, artists had some interesting lives. Did you know Albrecht Dürer drew a rhinoceros even though he had never seen one. Or that Michelangelo had such horrible body odor his assistants couldn’t stand to work near him. How about the fact that Edouard Manet was once insulted by a critic and the artist was so upset, he demanded a duel. Did you know Henri Rousseau had a criminal record, or that Renoir once traded a portrait for a pair of shoes? We'll look at their fascinating yet offbeat lives and their works in the Getty Collection.
Image credit line: 
Bust of Pope Paul V
Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Italian,
J. Paul Getty Museum




