Despite the religious and political upheaval in the northern Netherlands after the Eighty Years War (1568-1648), this region experienced strong economic prosperity due to the country's international maritime trade and high levels of urbanization. When peace finally came in 1648, Holland's prosperity was unequaled in Europe. Agriculture, banking, commerce, and industry were uniquely powerful at this time. This newly Calvinist country saw few demands for art for the sake of worship. Therefore, most commissions came from private individuals or groups.
As the foundation of the Dutch Republic grew stronger, there was a phenomenal flourishing of the arts. Many affluent citizens began to acquire more portraits, still life, and landscape paintings. These images were used to decorate their homes and reveal their prosperous households. Artists such as Frans Hals produced lively portraits for the Dutch middle class. Landscape painter, Jacob van Ruisdael also gained popularity with his exquisite paintings of the Dutch countryside. Perhaps the two most famous painters of the time-period however, were Rembrandt van Rijn and Johannes Vermeer. Their work and that of many other gifted artists from that region will be presented in this docent-led talk.
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