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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Free Virtual Talk: John Singleton Copley's Mrs. Thomas Gage: A Family Friend?

Image for Free Virtual Talk: John Singleton Copley's Mrs. Thomas Gage: A Family Friend?

The painting of Margaret Kemble Gage, done in 1771 by one of the most famous American artists, John Singleton Copley, attracts viewers for its brilliant coloring and elegant style. For those who ponder her pensive look in the portrait, her personal story as an American married to the British General Thomas Gage at the start of the American Revolution adds much intrigue and historical controversy concerning her thinking. Did she favor either side? It's the type of debate one can stumble upon at the intersection of the study of old portraits and learning one's family history.

Speaker: Dr. Florence Gillman, Timken Docent and USD Professor of
Biblical Studies




