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Thursday, December 22, 2022

Free Virtual Talk: The Spanish Baroque: Murillo, Velazquez, Zurbarán, and Beyond

Image for Free Virtual Talk: The Spanish Baroque: Murillo, Velazquez, Zurbarán, and Beyond

The Spanish Baroque begins in the 1580s and extends until the early part of the 1700s. Visual realism and fluid brushstrokes were two important characteristics. It is often noted that many of the Spanish Baroque painters such as Francisco de Zurbarán and Juan Sánchez Cotán depicted no visible outlines in their paintings along with utilizing a more somber palette. Spain had fought and lost wars with England and the Netherlands, which acutely drained their finances. This fact along with the Counter-Reformation and the Inquisition by the Catholic Church influenced artists and their religious style. Significant painters such as Diego Velazquez who created the masterpiece, Las Meninas, worked under the Habsburg Monarchy. His work and that of other significant artists will be discussed in this docent-led talk.

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