This unique exhibition brings together more than 20 extraordinary works by American painters, sculptors and printmakers from a renowned private collection in the Pacific Northwest. From the Hudson River School to American Impressionism, the exhibition provides a strong overview of artistic practice in the United States from the Civil War to the turn of the last century.
This presentation, which is split between the Timken Museum of Art in Balboa Park and the University Galleries on the campus of the University of San Diego, will include major works by Mary Cassatt, Winslow Homer, John LaFarge, John Frederick Kensett and Frederic Remington, to name only a few. Some of these 19th century masterworks relate closely to representations that are familiar—for example, a brilliant example of John Frederick Peto’s trompe l’oeil (“fool the eye”) painting practice can be compared to a still life by the artist that is always on view at the Timken—but none of the objects in the exhibition have ever been seen in San Diego before. This project is the first in a series of planned collaborations between the Timken Museum of Art and USD’s University Galleries.
Collections in Context: American Art from a Pacific Northwest Collection, 1860-1950
July 1, 2016 - September 4, 2016